
W8TRB Mototrbo Repeaters - updated 5/04/2020

We were the first permanant Mototrbo Repeater system in Ohio. The information provided below should be considered the ONLY official and accurate source of information. Several groups like to try and provide a single source of information, but it is often incorrect or out of date.

CODIG has always maintained its own independant network. We have sponsored and provided access to Talkgroups from several other networks including DCI, DMR-MARC and others. All W8TRB repeaters are currently located in Franklin County and are open to all.

The W8TRB repeaters do NOT support GPS / APRS. Please do not transmit packets on TG 310999 (or any other TG). The data won't go anywhere and you will likely cause interference for other users.

VHF - 145.370 -600KHz Color Code 1

UHF - 443.150 +5Mhz Color Code 1

900 - 927.0125 -25Mhz Color Code 1

Time Slot 1
WW1PTT World Wide to reach of repeaters around the globe
NA3 PTT North American to reach NA english speaking nations
WW EN13PTT Access to English speaking users around to globe
CMH TAC OH31390Always Ohio TAC connected to BM
CMH COWX31392 Priority Central Ohio Severe Weather Net - connected to BM
CMH METRO2Always VHF, UHF and 900 DMR repeaters connected together
CMH Local9AlwaysConverstaions limited to the current CMH Repeater only
Time Slot 2
OHIO 3139AlwaysAll DMR repeaters in Ohio with the statewide TG
MIDWEST 3169 PTTTalkgroup covering 13 states
REG 831608PTTARRL Region 8
OH-YSF31399PTTOhio YSF Link (not always linked)
TGS31801PTTThe Gathering Spot
TAC 310310PTTNorth America Talk
TAC 311311PTTNorth America Talk
TAC 312312PTTNorth America Talk
UA 113113PTTWorldwide English Talk
UA 123123PTTWorldwide English Talk

This information can and will be changing. Please refer to this list for accurate information